Goonellabah ~ New South Wales ~ Australia
Community life requires an established order of acts. In them, the sisters express their communion with God and with one another; and they diligently help one another to be faithful to their vocation. Saint Teresa desired that there would be a faithful balance in our horarium between the hours of prayer, work and rest, as well as harmony between times of solitude and community acts ~ Constitutions No. 96

5.10am Rise
5.40am Divine Office (Lauds)
6.00am Mental Prayer
7.00am Mass, Thanksgiving
7.50am Divine Office (Terce)
8.00am Morning Drink (Breakfast)
8.20am Work Time
11.50am Rosary, Examen
12.15pm Divine Office (Sext, None)
12.40pm Midday Meal
1.00pm Recreation
2.00pm Cell Time (Siesta, Study)
3.00pm Spiritual Reading
3.50pm Free Time
4.15pm Mental Prayer
5.15pm Divine Office (Vespers)
5.40pm Work Time
6.55pm Evening Meal
7.30pm Recreation
8.30pm Divine Office (Compline, Office of Readings)
11.00pm Retire